Get started with IBM Watson Studio — via Anaconda
Good news !
With the latest version of Anaconda, we get IBM Watson Studio cloud option available on Anaconda Navigator.

Click on “IBM Watson Studio Cloud” launch button -

That will redirect you to IBM Cloud dataplatform page -

Select the region of your choice to create IBM Watson Studio service on IBM Cloud. If you are not registered to IBM Cloud, click the “Activate your IBM Cloud account” option. If you are already registered on IBM Cloud, provide the IBM Cloud ID and click ‘Next’.

This will start provisioning IBM Waston studio service on your IBM Cloud account. Once provisioned, you will get a success message. Click on “Go to IBM Watson Studio” button.

This will take you to the IBM Watson Studio home page on IBM Cloud -

Here you can see all your existing Waston Studio projects and other details. To start an existing project, click the relevant project. And if you want to create a new project, click on “Create a project”.
On ‘Create a project’ page, you can select an empty project to start writing the code from scratch. Else, you can choose from a list of project templates, which can be used for learning purposes or to get a kick start for your project from code base perspective.
For demo purpose, lets select ‘Create a project from sample or file’ option.

Here, you will get two options — either upload your existing project notebook (.pynb) file. Or, go to “From sample” tab.

That will display all the available sample projects to select from.

Select the desired sample, and click create.

Click create, it will start building the project for you.

Once completed, click on ‘View new project’.

That will launch home page of the project.

Click on ‘Asset’ tab to see the available notebooks and data in the project.

Click on any existing notebook and it will open the jupyter notebook on the browser with a read only notebook contents.

Click on the edit option on the top -

That will instantiate the runtime for the notebook -

Once instantiated, the notebook will open with all the edit and run controls enabled.

Click on “kernel” and “Run all” option to perform a dry run of the notebook -

Wish you a good luck to start using and exploring IBM Watson Studio for building predictive models.